Andrew Koppejan, PT

As a physiotherapist with more than thirteen years of clinical experience, I’ve travelled a unique path of self-discovery and clinical experiences that has brought me to a place of clinical flow. I help movement clinicians move from a place of frustration to flow in their clinical practice.

Navigating the Common Challenges With MVA/MVC Management in Alberta

Recently on the podcast, physiotherapists Andrew Koppejan and Maxi Miciak sat down with Jeff Begg and Simon Cooke to discuss some of the common and not-so-common challenges that clinicians may encounter when treating MVA patients. Simon is a physiotherapist and clinic owner in Edmonton, Alberta and currently serves as Council President with Physiotherapy Alberta. He

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Understand How to Use an IMC When Treating MVA/MVC Patients in Alberta

Recently ignitephysio podcast hosts Andrew Koppejan and Maxi Miciak sat down with physiotherapists Jeff Begg and Simon Cooke, along with Julie Chartrand, medical claims advisor with Peace Hills Insurance, across two interviews (see here and here) to chat about MVA regulations in Alberta and common challenges that come with managing MVA patients. This article is part of a

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Master Your Understanding of MVA/MVC Insurance Regulation in Alberta

Recently ignitephysio podcast hosts Andrew Koppejan & Maxi Miciak sat down with some key insiders (physiotherapists & insurance adjusters) across two podcast interviews (see here and here) to chat about MVA regulations in Alberta and common challenges they face when managing MVA patients. In this article, we will cover the current Diagnostic & Treatment Protocols (DTPR), the history of these

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Increasing Your Confidence in Identifying Centrally Mediated Pain in Your Patients

In the study  “Physical Therapy in the Treatment of Central Pain Mechanisms for Female Sexual Pain” the authors provide a detailed explanation and walk-through of treating female sexual pain using a biopscyhosocial approach. In the evaluation section of the article, they share some powerful statistics as it relates to the presence of central pain mechanisms

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63 Twitter Accounts for Physiotherapists to Follow

Twitter, and other social media outlets, are a great way for physiotherapists to keep up-to-date on the latest research and clinically-relevant information. Not only that, social media creates a great platform for clinicians to connect with one another and acts as a great medium for information sharing between clinicians world-wide! However, it can be challenging

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