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More clinical energy

A Tale of Two Lumberjacks: An Unlikely Practice for More Clinical Energy

I hate those days when I’m struggling to finish my chart notes. Those days when I feel drained and my ...
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How to leverage systems thinking to treat your most challenging patients

How to Leverage Systems Thinking to Treat Your Most Challenging Patients

When patients complain of ‘tightness’, ‘stiffness’ and ‘pains and aches’ without a specific mechanism of injury it can be challenging. In part because the complaints can often ...
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Clinical reasoning framework

Unpacking the 3 Key Building Blocks of Your Clinical Reasoning Framework

In my last blog post, I introduced the concept of a clinical reasoning framework and how it can help you ...
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Clinical reasoning overwhelm

A Path Out of Clinical Reasoning Overwhelm

You’re looking at the assessment data you’ve scribbled on your sheet of paper or in your EMR. Feelings of anxiety ...
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Navigating patient flare ups my step by step process

Navigating Patient Flare-Ups: My Step-By-Step Process

It sucks when you get thrown for a loop with a patient. They can throw off your day and it ...
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The secret to ongoing professional growth

The Secret to Ongoing Professional Growth

Dashrath Manjhi was a man who set out to do the impossible. He was a lowly labourer in the isolated ...
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Sustained growth

Courses Are King…But Are They? Four Key Areas to Look at for Sustained Growth

In post-grad education, the course is king. They’re the mainstay of professional development efforts for good reason. But I’ve noticed ...
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The surprising way out of burnout

I Was Ready To Walk Away From My Physiotherapy Career: The Surprising Way Out of Burnout

Clinical work can be draining and we can easily find ourselves feeling exhausted, going through the motions and experiencing burnout. ...
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Living On The Edge: 5 Strategies To Avoid Burnout

Clinical work is demanding. And often times it can feel that we’re on the edge, between feeling good and giving ...
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How to overcome anxiety and overwhelm in a clinical setting

How to Overcome Anxiety and Overwhelm to Sustain Clinical Flow

Anxiety. It can range from minor annoyance to crippling. And there’s no lack of opportunities to feel anxiety when seeing ...
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Clinical flow and why it matters for your growth

Clinical Flow & Why It Matters For Your Growth

Clinical flow. It’s a topic infused in everything I have written about. But sometimes it can feel a little fuzzy ...
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A Fresh Look at Myotome Testing: A Key to Unlocking Better Shoulder Results

Myotome testing is often seen as a necessary, but not always insightful element, of a shoulder assessment. It’s easy to ...
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How to avoid the exercise spiral of despair

How to Overcome this Patient Roadblock & Avoid Exercise Despair

Patients not doing their exercises is frustrating. We spend time teaching them exercises and we feel confident that they know ...
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The often overlook cause of shoulder pain.

An Often Overlooked Cause of Shoulder Pain

Treating painful shoulders can be tricky and there is an often overlooked cause of shoulder pain. When we’re dealing with ...
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Get unstuck from your clinical problems with doodling

A New Way to Get Unstuck From Your Clinical Problems

I find that sometimes I get stuck. Not unlike when I was in my teens and my brother and I ...
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Get unstuck treating hard patients. 4 pitfalls you can fall into and 3 treatment buckets for results

Get Unstuck Treating Hard Patients: 4 Pitfalls & 3 Treatment Buckets For Results

I don’t know about you, but I find that it’s almost automatic to put patients into categories. We have our ...
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Read more about the 5 enemies of clinical presence

The 5 Enemies of Clinical Presence & 5 Strategies to Overcome Them

I love rafting whitewater. And when I had the chance to become a raft guide in my twenties while working ...
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clinical growth

The Hidden Way We Sabotage Clinical Growth: Plus 4 Psychological Defences That Keep Us Stuck

I’m embarrassed to share this story. It was a long time ago and I chalk it up to an underdeveloped ...
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Ready to Boost Your Clinical Agility?

I have two young boys, and every night we will read a storybook. Our most well-worn book is called “The ...
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Mistakes to Avoid with Exercise Prescription

The 2 Mistakes To Avoid With Exercise Prescription (& the Surprising Solution)

Therapeutic exercise. It’s a staple of a physiotherapist’s toolbox. No other intervention has as much research supporting it. As movement ...
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