Andrew Koppejan, PT

As a physiotherapist with more than thirteen years of clinical experience, I’ve travelled a unique path of self-discovery and clinical experiences that has brought me to a place of clinical flow. I help movement clinicians move from a place of frustration to flow in their clinical practice.

How to Thrive in the Face of Clinical Uncertainty & 3 Strategies to Avoid Overwhelm

Discomfort. Self-doubt. Overwhelm. These emotions can be present with us every single day… often to varying degrees with every patient. Unfortunately, these emotions can hound us as physiotherapists. We are constantly dealing with discomfort, uncertainty and even overwhelm in our clinical practice. And part of the problem is that no condition presents the same. Take

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Stop Trying to Motivate Your Patients To Exercise

Do you struggle with trying to motivate your patients to do their exercises?  Many physiotherapists have a difficult time motivating their patients to do their exercises. This can create an exhausting cycle for the therapist when they realize that despite their best efforts, the patient never does the exercises. We’re convinced that motivation is the

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When Physiotherapists Get Stuck: Demystifying the Pitfalls of Feeling Like You Need More

As physiotherapists, it’s easy to feel like we need more of something when the work we’re doing doesn’t seem to be getting the results that we want. When we get stuck with our treatments, we think it’s because we lack something. It can feel like there is always another course or certification that will make

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