Health Coaching for Physiotherapists Toolkit

What Is It?
Physiotherapy Alberta recently put together a toolkit specifically around health coaching for physiotherapists. This toolkit defines health coaching within the context of physiotherapy practice. It breaks down the behaviour change process and the importance of identifying the readiness for change. It also provides a high level overview of Behaviour Change Techniques (BCTs).

The toolkit walks through some of the tools and frameworks to use with helping patients identify achievable goals. The toolkit also covers topics such as the importance of active learning, personal accountability and specific considerations for physiotherapy. A list of resources are provided along with the PT-BCT Checklist, Personal Decision Guide and the OA GoAway patient tool.

Our Thoughts
The changing healthcare landscape requires the physiotherapy profession to evaluate how services are delivered and the types of service offerings to support improved function. Health coaching is an important evolution in how physiotherapists can impact care. This is a helpful introduction to the topic of health coaching for physiotherapists. It provides a solid foundation for physiotherapists to better understand the elements necessary in health coaching and provides a number of recommendations on how to delve deeper in this area.



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